Following a successful challenge against the application of transitional protection applied during the implementation of the 2015 public service pension reforms, the Cabinet Office, along with all other public service pensions providers, were required to establish a programme to rectify any discrimination suffered by its members as a result. Acuity were appointed to lead the development of the communications strategy and supporting plans to engage with the 1.4 million Civil Service Pension Scheme members, Civil Service Trade Unions and 350 employers.
The ethos for the communications and engagement strategy was to establish the principles and direction for programme communications so that it’s delivery projects could adopt an integrated approach. The development of this strategy included the following activities:
To ensure the strategic direction set out within this document was translated into “on the ground” delivery, we also managed the development of a series of behavioural insight led strategies designed to highlight how we should be delivering tailored communications to notable stakeholder groups. These included:
Our consultant quickly gained the confidence of Cabinet Office colleagues, building strong relationships which enabled them to influence and build capability. They were quickly seen as the communications lead not only by the programme, but also by senior stakeholders within the Cabinet Office and the employers they were supporting, so much so that they were often called upon to represent the programme at senior stakeholder forums. The products created are still used as a platform upon which the communications activities are built and managed.