Some of our work

Statement of Requirements for Romanian Health Workers Registry


The World Health Organisation (WHO) were supporting the Romanian Ministry of Health (MoH) in Health Service reform activities as part of the WHO led project National Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) for Romania. Part of this work focusses on Human Resources for Health (HRH) and the development of a digital/IT solution to create a Registry of the Healthcare Professionals in Romania. WHO required complex IT tender experience under EU procurement and regulatory environments alongside cultural awareness and IT expertise to develop a statement of requirement as well as clarity on the key aspects that bidders will need to understand including technical, policy and scope.


We took the lead on producing the digital specification, including both the technical aspects of the programme delivering functional requirements for the Registry of the Healthcare Professionals in Romania and the procurement aspects working alongside Romanian lawyers to provide procurement advice to the Romanian procurement team. We delivered a specification for the National Registry with the following elements: 

  • Foreword, introduction, background and project justification and purpose and general description
  • Detailed Functional Requirements covering:
    - Management of users – Individual professionals, institutions, MOH, National Institute of Public Health, colleges and health education institutions, public and private healthcare users
    - Analysis of country indicators and HRH
    - Generating reports
    - Publication of aggregated anonymised data
    - Portal for publication of vacancies
    - Database of public and private healthcare providers
    - Interoperability and the possibility to develop further digital solutions
    - Functional Use cases – both generic high level and UML detailed use cases
  • A minimum data set for Health Workforce Registry    
  • General specifications of a suitable IT platform
    - Security including authentication and authorisation, logging and monitoring
    - Resource management, data management, networking, usage and metering, load balancing, performance monitoring and predictive analysis, disaster recovery and high availability, backup and recovery
    - Application deployment and management, service discovery and orchestration, microservices architecture
    - Scalability, extendibility, elasticity, database scalability
    - Standards- Data Interface Standards, Health Level Seven International (HL7), Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), 7.9.3 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), ISO/IEEE 11073, SNOMED CT and/or ICD-10, LOINC(Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes)
    - Documentation and hand-over- Architecture, configuration and deployment, APIs, security, operations, users, change management, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), training materials
  • Procurement considerations including, given the short timescales, recommendations for further development and/or clarifications of requirements that would need to be undertaken either pre-tender, or as part of tender due diligence or considered as part of the bid process

The digital specifications for the Registry of the Healthcare Professionals in Romania were completed on time alongside recommendations for further development to deliver an effective procurement. Due to the expertise provided on this Romanian project WHO have now engaged Acuity to work on specifications for the procurement of a National Workforce Registry in Greece.